USER K. Crenshaw: Hello? Hello! This is Captain Crenshaw of the Blue Rose Division number- fuck! 

(Muffled struggling sounds) 

USER K. Crenshaw: I need backup, now! 

DISPATCH: Captain Crenshaw, your GPS locator is down. Do you have coordinates? 

USER K. Crenshaw: (Grunting, cursing) I don’t- I don’t have time for that. Track my chip. 

DISPATCH: Tracking now. Can you tell me what’s going on?

USER K. Crenshaw: The man with a mask, those details are in my mission file. Look, we messed up! I’m sorry, just leave us alone!


DISPATCH: Captain Crenshaw? Are you under fire? 

USER K. Crenshaw: (Grunting, hitting the ground) Yes! Track my chip, hurry! He- (Inarticulate screaming) 

DISPATCH: Captain! Please stay on the line while we track you. I’m dispatching a unit now. How many assailants are there? 

USER K. Crenshaw: Just one, but he’s fucking- bulletproof or something! Shit! 

DISPATCH: Only one? Captain, you have ten men with you-

(More gunshots) 

USER K. Crenshaw(Shouting) What the fuck? What the-

DISPATCH: Captain? Captain! Are you there? 

USER K. Crenshaw(Screaming) 

DISPATCH: Captain, please! The recovery units are half a mile away. 

USER K. Crenshaw: It’s not- It’s not a mask, it’s not a mask- Don’t send them! Don’t- (Gunshot) 

DISPATCH: … Captain Crenshaw? Are you there? Have you brought down the assailant? 

UNKNOWN USER: … recall your recovery unit. They won’t find anything. 

DISPATCH: Sir! You won’t escape. You will answer for this-

UNKNOWN USER: I don’t think so. 

(Raven cawing) 

UNKNOWN USER: … time’s up. Recall your units if you don’t want them dead. 


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