USER H. Jackson: We’re using a recorded line for security purposes, doctor. Is that alright? 

USER [REDACTED]: I can’t really stop you. 

USER H. Jackson: … anyway, I’d like to go over the outbreak at Facility [REDACTED]. I understand this is a hard topic for you. 

USER [REDACTED]: No shit. What do you want to know? I’ve already made all the reports. You guys are getting on my nerves. 

USER H. Jackson: I, uh, apologize. The one that attacked your doctors – it was, um, it had Cariosis Morphosis, right? Not particularly advanced either. 

USER [REDACTED]: Auctosis. He had growths, not decay. 

USER H. Jackson: Um… right. The notes say that he didn’t seem to have suffered any sort of brain damage as a result of the morphosis. 

USER [REDACTED]: No. We don’t usually see mental decay in those with cariosis or auctosis. 

USER H. Jackson: If, uh, if that’s the case Dr. [REDACTED], then what caused the subject to become violent? 


USER H. Jackson: Well, my supervisor wants to, uh, make sure it wasn’t a side effect of any medication or treatment… 

USER [REDACTED]: They think we were running experiments on the patients? 

USER H. Jackson: It’s not unheard of-

USER [REDACTED](Shouting) Are you fucking stupid?! (Muffled grunts and whispers) 

USER H. Jackson: Doctor… we don’t want to restrain you. I know this is a very stressful time for you. 

USER [REDACTED]: We are real doctorsMs. Jackson. Not some lab rat scientist! We heal people and give them the treatment they need to get better. 

USER H. Jackson: Just help me understand, then. Why did the sub- um, why did the patient suddenly become violent and attack? 

USER [REDACTED]: If you idiots didn’t see them as livestock you’d figure it out. People. They’re people. 

USER H. Jackson: I… er, I don’t see what I’m missing here. 

USER [REDACTED](Laughter) You don’t?! People are the issue. Shootings, stabbings, all that. If you left the damn compounds for five minutes you could grasp what I mean. People are unpredictable. They can pretend to be nice while waiting for an opportunity to take advantage. 

USER H. Jackson: Perhaps you’re tired, doctor. It’s been a long day. We can pick up where we left off tomorrow. 

USER [REDACTED]: Go ahead. I know the Corps wants to deem me as insane so they can experiment on me. Just mark me as stable and send me off to a camp. If they’re feeling generous, they might actually let me have a bed.

USER H. Jackson: … I’ll see you tomorrow, doctor. And… I’m sorry about the shackles. It’s just until the investigation is over, you see. 

USER [REDACTED]: … sure. See you tomorrow. 

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