USER M. Evans: Can you hear me?

UNKNOWN USER: I don’t like that you’re recording this, Matt.

USER M. Evans: I’m not allowed to have devices that they can’t monitor. For security.

UNKNOWN USER: You mean so they can track you?

USER M. Evans: Ding ding ding! I won’t tell them your name so, if don’t give any details you don’t want them to know, they won’t have any idea who you are.

UNKNOWN USER: Alright. We have the dogs you wanted.

USER M. Evans: I’ll wire the money to you and send some Blacks to pick them up. Speaking of, have you heard anything about our friend and his bird?

UNKNOWN USER: (Long pause) You know I can’t talk to you about that.

USER M. Evans: Jasper won’t mind. He knows I’ll share what we find out.

UKNOWN USER: That’s not what I’m talking about.

USER M. Evans: … the others are still with you?

UNKNOWN USER: For now. I should keep this short.

USER M. Evans: Just answer yes or no. Can you do that?

UNKNOWN USER: (Long pause, muffled shuffling sounds) … yes.

USER M. Evans: Was he the one who did all the damage in, hm, “C’s” forest?


USER M. Evans: Did they deserve it?

UNKNOWN USER: (Long pause) Yes

USER M. Evans: Any chance that “C” would help us locate him?


USER M. Evans: Would you hand over “C’s” location?

UNKNOWN USER: Absolutely not.

USER M. Evans: Haha, worth a shot! Any information on my favorite subject’s brethren?


USER M. Evans: Have you made contact with him?


USER M. Evans: Make sure no one clean is with you when you meet him.

UNKNOWN USER: Okay. Are you sure this won’t end badly for us?

USER M. Evans: He wouldn’t hurt a fly. Well, he would, but he can’t. He’s pretty much made of glass. Do me a favor?

UNKNOWN USER: I’m already doing you a favor.

USER M. Evans: Another favor, then. If things go sideways, don’t kill him. Just retreat.

UNKNOWN USER: … sure. It’ll be a higher cost, though.

USER M. Evans: I’ll get your money ready then.

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