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General Information
ID: K4CGA4X0-SU “Grimsing”
Captured: November 12th, 20XX
Units Involved: Tracking Unit NE-17, Capture Unit Black 4, Capture Unit Red 2
Assigned Researcher: M. Evans [ID: J6WPSN57]
Assigned Captivity Team: Containment Unit Oleander, Special Containment Unit Wolfsbane
Containment Status: Black, Special Priority
Containment Procedure Notes: Though physically weak, subject “Grimsing” appears to have an ability to infect other creatures with morphosis. Total hazmat is required to enter the cell. Entering the cell requires two Black Rose special forces operatives on standby, with a third inside the cell with the researchers. Restrains on the hands and legs are required. Transportation requires Hazmat Containment Vechicles.
Upright humanoid with overgrown cervical vertebrae that extend laterally. Almost zero body fat. The skin appears to have somewhat melded into the skeletal system, with marks of vestigial mammilla, genitals, and ears. Torso has indications of being stretched cranially with distorted ribcage and vertebrae. The subject’s left foot and left hand display elongation of the digits, as well as the growth of the distal phalanges/phalanxes that erupt through the skin. Ribcage opens with a cavity on the inside, but subject was too defensive to investigate further without potential injury to examiners. The inferior portion of the face appears to be ossifying into a gray bone-like compound. Eyes have black sclera and white irises.
7’1, 6’11 wingspan
Subject appears to have desaturated, grayish skin with darker vestigial external organs. The exposed bone is a slightly lighter gray color but not normal bone-white. There is white mottling on the shoulders, arms, and knees, and the left foot and hand are significantly darker, bordering black.
- Subject was completely willing to proceed with examination. It seemed eager to give details. When ignored, it protested politely and then became irate afterwards. It proceeded to attempt to infect the researcher, who only suffered minor bruising due to PPE. The researcher was reassigned shortly afterwards at the request of the subject.
- Subject has complete cognitive ability and highly advanced speech. The physical mutations do not seem to affect its mental abilities.
- Subject has particular fondness for researcher J6WPSN57 [M. Evans] and will ask for him to preform examinations. Doctor [REDACTED] has demanded this request be fulfilled to ensure the continued cooperation.
- Although apparently formerly human, the subject refused to confirm or give its human identity.
- The body mutilation appears to be similar to morphosis but is unlike any previously recorded strand. Preliminary testing has confirmed the subject’s DNA has been altered similarly to some contotic strands, but the specific DNA is not registered in the broad database. Further testing has been ordered.
- Subject displayed an extreme aversion to researchers touching or inspecting the prominent chest cavity. It was able to shift the bones and hide the cavity within.