USER [Redacted]: How are things coming along with the [REDACTED] project? I expect a formal report within a week.
USER S. Hawkin: As expected. The morphotes provided haven’t taken well to the serum – whatever Dr. [REDACTED] is trying out on his chickens isn’t translating to the actual victims.
USER [Redacted]: I’ve told you to stop calling them chickens
USER S. Hawkin: My bad. Look, it’s not going well. We might have to scrap this one and move on. Wouldn’t be the first time, and my guys are wearing thin trying to keep these… things under control.
USER [Redacted]: (Sigh) If you really feel that way, put it in your report. Unfortunately, I’m up to my neck at work right now myself and can’t do anything to help you. Do you need more of my guys down there? I’m sure they’d love to go from shitty office jobs to trying to contain deadly monsters.
USER S. Hawkin: Haha. No, we have enough. Though, speaking of your guys…
USER S. Hawkin: It’s Evans. I-
USER [REDACTED]: This again?
USER S. Hawkin: Yes. I really don’t see why you insisted he come here. Twenty years without a breakout and the moment he gets here? Three in a week. He’s doing it on purpose.
USER [REDACTED]: Evans is experienced. He might be unorthodox, but he gets the results we need.
USER S. Hawkin: If by results you mean casualties, then yeah. I guess he does.
USER [REDACTED]: You’re being ridiculous. Everyone in your branch knew the risks when they signed up-
USER S. Hawkin: Seventy-four.
USER S. Hawkin: Seventy-four. That’s how many died in the last little outbreak.
USER [REDACTED]: (Thirty seconds of silence) … regardless. I have no power to get rid of him. People higher than me want him to continue working.
USER S. Hawkin: Even after the Washington disaster?
USER [REDACTED]: Because of the Washington disaster. I can’t- look, I have to go. I can’t go into detail. Just keep Evans on a shorter leash and… well, if he has any experiments he’s fond of, lighten security on those cells for a bit. Easier that way.
USER S. Hawkin: You realize you just said that over a recorded line?
USER [REDACTED]: If the higher-ups hear it, then they hear it. That was their advice to me when Evans was ruining my experiments up here.
USER S. Hawkin: Great…