Stars: Tethyne, Pheadelo, Jalso, and Owlas.
Visibility: Autumn
Mythos: Strigus was a clever owl who learned the secrets of magic from the Ones of Before. She brought the secrets to her people and taught them well, but prevented others from learning. Filled with envy, many animals sought to steal from Strigus and demanded to know why she would not share. She told them that owls had been looked down upon by the other creatures forever, called evil and twisted, and were accused of being demons. Her people had been exiled to the night and were welcomed by only the wolves, thus Strigus would only share with them. The creatures turned to the wolves, but they upheld the owl’s request of secrecy. Denied their wish, many animals cursed the owls and wolves, taking to attacking and killing them. Draco took notice and descended from the skies, chasing the others away. He took Strigus to the stars, where her secrets were safe from the envy of others.
Symbolizes: Magic, Wisdom, Serenity
Discoverer: Juniper of the Grasslands
Associated Alchemy: Calming Emotions
- Strigus usually is depicted as a snowy owl, but original depictions might have been a great gray or boreal owl