Red-Eyed Wolf

[Basic Information]

Full Name: Adrian Magnus Moonstruck
Pronunciation: Aye-dree-ann Mah-g-anus
Name Meaning: River of the Great
Nicknames: N/A
Status: Alive
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: September 19th
Religion: Christian
Theme Song: “Kings” by Tribe Society

[Physical Information]

Species: Shapeshifter
Skin Color: Tan
Eye Color: Blue-Green-Gray
Hair Color: Dark Auburn
Height: 6’4
Body Type: Lean
Tattoos: N/A
Scars: N/A
Distinguishing Traits: Strong jawline
Clothing Style: Very simple clothing, generally whatever is around. Prefers boots and neutral colors, like brown or gray. His hair is always a mess.
Disabilities: N/A
Smokes: Often
Drinks: Never
Uses Drugs: Never
Allergies: Grapes

[Personal Information]

Karma: Good
Positive Personality Traits
– Humble
– Just
– Keen
– Philosophical
– Mature
Negative Personality Traits:
– Impatient
– Temperamental
– Sarcastic
– Insecure
– Callous
Favorite Food: Strawberry Candies
Favorite Drink: Sweet Tea
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Animal: Dog
Favorite Flower: Amaranth
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Music Genre: Folk
Elemental Sign: Wind
Spirit Animal: Wolf
Signature Colors: Red and Black
Virtue: Diligence
Sin: Wrath
– Painting
– Forests
– Rain
– Social Parties
– Fish
– Crickets
Fears: N/A
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert

[Familial Information]

Mother: Amalia Jager
Father: Nathaniel Moonstruck
Brothers: Markus, Nero, Nathaniel Aezral, Ilya, Kyle, Alejandro, Sol, and Griffin
Sisters: Hazel, Antigone, Laura Song, Rosaleen, Lilac, Amelie, and Hestia
Marital Status: Single
Partner: None

[Skill Information]

Hand to Hand Skill: Low
Light Weaponry Skill: Medium
Heavy Weaponry Skill: Low
Ranged Weaponry Skill: Low
Intelligence Level: High
Speed Level: High
Agility Level: High
Stamina Level: High
Dexterity Level: High
Stealth Level: High
Charisma Level: Low
Magic Skill: High
Magic Specialty: Elemental
Musical Ability: High
Musical Instrument: Piano
Artistic Ability: High
Special Skill: Eidetic Memory
Preferred Weapons: Dagger


Sansha: Male gray wolf
Audrey: Female timber wolf


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