

Theme Song
“Empire” by Neoni

Table of Contents


Life Points: 10/10
Strength: 15
Agility: 25

Perks: Lionhearted, Moonstalker, Eagle Eye
Rank: Leader – 7/9 Lives


Current Clan: FrostClan
Birth Clan: FrostClan

Gender: She-Cat
Age: 47 Moons
Pelt Color: Black
Eye Color: Yellow

Mother: Snowymask
Father: Moonhawk
Littermates: Echospring, Sedgebreeze
Mate: Blackwolf (formerly)
Kits: Moonpaw, Ospreypaw, Ravenpaw, Nightpaw
Mentor: Jaggedclaw
Apprentices: Willowsplash, Pounceshade, Nightpaw


Good Traits

  • Determined
  • Fearless
  • Cunning

Bad Traits

  • Merciless
  • Prideful
  • Impulsive

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