Auroran Constellations

Yearly Constellations

The Bighorn

The Cougar

The Archer

The Buffalo

The Maiden

The Pronghorn

The Twins

The Judge

The Pelican

The Crab

The Scorpion

The Salmon

Constant Constellations

Draco, the Dragon [Prime Constellation]

Quercus, the Oak Tree

Lupus, the Gray Wolf

Corvus, the Raven

Seasonal Constellations

Monoceros, the Unicorn

Ater, the Black Bear

Maritimus, the White Bear

Arctos, the Grizzly Bear

Ursa, the Mother Bear

Catulus, the Little Bear

Taxidea, the Badger

Strigus, the Owl

Delphinus, the Dolphin

Canis, the Hound

Vitulina, the Seal

Naja, the Great Snake

Aquila, the Eagle

Mus, the Mouse

Turdus, the Robin

Latrans, the Coyote

Odocoil, the Stag

Testud, the Turtle

Tarandus, the Caribou

Ferus, the Horse

Pegasus, the Pterippus

Lepus, the Jackrabbit

Onca, the Jaguar

Allagarta, the Alligator

Alces, the Moose

Castor, the Beaver

Cygnus, the Swan

Lotor, the Raccoon

Scrofa, the Boar

Leuk, the Lynx

Pyrus, the Phoenix

Chrysolo, the Pheasant

Elapso, the Little Snake

Cathartes, the Vulture

Felis, the Cat

Chiro, the Bat

Castilleja, the Wildflower

Erethi, the Porcupine

Solenop, the Ant

Cynom, the Prairie Dog

Vulpecula, the Fox

Gulo, the Wolverine

Pardalis, the Ocelot

Linnaeus, the Armadillo

Mustela, the Mink

Cuniculus, the Cottontail

Nebride, the Fawn

Danainae, the Butterfly

Passeri, the Songbird

Astutus, the Ringtail

Atrox, the Rattlesnake

Ochoto, the Pika

Violacea, the Heron

Apis, the Honeybee

Antigone, the Crane

Mimus, the Mockingbird

Oreortyx, the Quail

Catebeia, the Frog

Manzer, the Mule

Sciurus, the Squirrel 

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